Contact to more bliss

My magic hands for your next Ayurveda yoga massage, my spinefitter collection for your special back training and me as your laughter yoga happiness hormone booster can currently be found here:


Be sure to contact me if you are in the neighbourhood! I look forward to sending more joie de vivre into the world with you.

Noun Namaste

«Let me help you find and place the missing or final piece of the puzzle of life.»

If you need more bliss but are not in the neighbourhood, contact me anyway. Maybe your location will be my next stop on my continuous joy of life journey? Or we can meet for pilates or yoga in the virtual space.

Contact me for a lucky dose of Noun

Please contact me for all matters via this form!

8 + 9 =

Payment via bank transfer:

Frank Felten, ES68 3076 0001 8726 3715 7724, Caja Siete

Easy payment via PayPal: